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Publication- textbook

►時代華語系列(Modern Chinese) 


Madern Chinese(7 volumes)

Due to the rise in Chinese language learning, the global demand for Chinese language learning is increasing day by day and the compilation of Chinese language learning materials has also received more attention. In view of the fact that Taiwan has always lacked a set of Chinese learning materials that can be promoted to the international market, seven Chinese language centers from universities including Tamkang University, Fu Jen Catholic University, Wenzao University of Languages, Tzu Chi University, National Taipei University of Education, Chinese Culture University, and Feng Chia University collaborated to form the Modern Chinese Review Committee to jointly develop a set of high-quality, innovative, digitized, and diverse textbooks that are in line with modern Chinese learning trends.

The complete set of textbooks consists of seven volumes with 16 planned major themes, and each volume has 16 lessons that evolve around these 16 themes. It adopts a spiral progression and a coned incline to gradually strengthen the learners' Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The textbooks use diversified teaching integration and designed activities design, combined with practical real-life content to enhance learners' Chinese communication skills.


►五百字說華語(Speak Mandarin in 500 words)(Vietnam version)

500 words


譯者translator /國立臺北教育大學華語文中心 NTUE CLEC 

出版機關/僑務委員會 OCAC

The book has 30 lessons, with each lesson comprising four parts "Text", "Words and Phrases", "Review", and "Extended Practice". Materials used in Text are derived from daily life. This part covers useful topics that include self introduction, family, school, and communication. Key words and phrases appearing in Text are explained in detail in Words and Phrases, enabling students to not only understand words' stroke orders but also learn phrases composed of the words. All the words in Review are not accompanied by phonetic symbols in an attempt to familiarize students with the words that they understand the texts better. Application has exercises for students to practice the words and phrases they have learned in the book.

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