Notes for registration/course

Documentation and money to be deliverd and hand in at registration day:

  • Admission Letter
  • Passport (Visa page)
  • Two-inch photos (2 photos)
  • Tuition Fee
  • Insurance documents
  • Rubella antibody positive test report or vaccination certificate and chest X-ray tuberculosis inspection report

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) requires that students coming to Taiwan to study Chinese with a "Visa to Study Chinese" must provide the following health report.

    The health report includes two mandatory items:
    1. Measles and German measles antibody-positive test report or vaccination certificate:
       - Students must provide an antibody-positive test report for measles and German measles (valid for 5 years from the date of the test report) or a valid vaccination certificate, which must be submitted to the Center for inspection during registration. 
    2. Chest X-ray tuberculosis examination report:
       - The report of the Chest X-ray Tuberculosis (TB) examination performed in Taiwan within 3 months prior to the student's arrival in Taiwan and submitted to the Center for inspection during registration.
    Students who are unable to provide the report on the day of enrollment must complete the examination within 14 days of arrival in Taiwan and provide proof.

Registration/check-in process:

  • Campus and center introduction>Documentation verification and payment process>Complete registration